Getting ready for Ramadhan before it begins

Ramadhan is just a week away, and right now is the best time to start preparing if you haven’t started to prepare already. Fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection are all noble acts that require great effort so we can receive as much thawaab as possible, and without even preparing for them, it can become easy to feel overwhelmed when the month begins. By gradually building good habits now, we can make the transition smoother and focus on the values that actually matter such as worship, self-discipline, and strengthening our connection with Allah (SWT).
Think of it like hosting an honored guest! If someone of great importance was coming to visit, you’d prepare your home, your schedule, and even yourself to welcome them properly and to leave a good impression. How do you want Allah (SWT) to receive you in this month? Do you want Him to see you as the same version you were last year, or do you want to be a better and improved version of yourself?
We have created this guide to, InshAllah, help you prepare for the month of The Quran in the best ways possible.
1. If you have any missed fasts, make them up before Ramadhan begins!: If you have any missed fasts from last year’s Ramadhan, for example, now is the best time to make them up. The Prophet (SAW) has said, “I used to have fasts from Ramadhan that I had not made up, and I could not make them up except in Sha’ban” (Sahih Bukhari, 1950). If you are not able to make up any missed fasts due to a chronic illness or other valid reasons, consider feeding a needy person as expiation.
2. Establish a fasting routine: Many of us struggle with fasting in the first few days of Ramadhan. To ease into it, consider doing the following:
- Pick a couple of days out of the week to observe fast
- Try fasting on the 13th, 14th, and 15th of every Islamic month
- Reduce caffeine and sugar intake to minimize withdrawal symptoms
- Train your body for suhoor by adjusting your sleep and eating patterns now.
3. Improve your Salah consistency: Ramadhan is a time when masajid are full and hearts are eager for prayer, but to truly benefit, our prayers must be strong before the month begins.
- Make sure your five daily prayers are done on time. If you struggle with consistency, work on fixing that now.
- Try praying Sunnah and Nafl prayers. These bring immense rewards and prepare you for the long Taraweeh nights.
- Learn to slow down in Salah. Reflect on what you’re reciting instead of rushing through prayers.
4. Cleanse your heart and mind: In Ramadhan, purifying your soul is also of great importance because the doors of repentance are open every hour of every day. The Prophet (SAW) says, “Whoever does not give up false speech and evil deeds, Allah is not in need of leaving his food and drink” (Sahih Bukhari, 1903). Here are some practical steps to cleanse your heart:
- Avoid gossip, backbiting, and arguing. If you’re in the habit of this, start breaking it now.
- Forgive others. If there’s anyone you have a grudge against, resolve it before Ramadhan.
- Limit your distractions. Reduce unnecessary social media usage and focus on more beneficial activities.
5. Use your time wisely: Ramadhan is not a month to “wing it.” Without a plan, the days can slip by without achieving much. Try out some of these beneficial tips on how you can make good use of your time:
- Set realistic goals: Your goals can range from anything between finishing The Quran, praying Taraweeh, or giving a certain amount to a charitable organization.
- Create a daily schedule of things you need to get done.
- Make a list of dua that you want to ask Allah (SWT) after every prayer.
6. Increase acts of charity: In a hadith, Ibn Abbas says, “The Messenger of Allah was the most generous of people, and he was even more generous in Ramadhan” (Sahih Bukhari, 1902). Here are three easy ways you can increase your charity in Ramadhan:
- Set aside a portion of your wealth for daily or weekly donations.
- Support local and global relief efforts.
- Sponsor an iftar for those in need.
7. Purify your niyyah: Before Ramadhan even begins, you must reflect on why you are fasting. The Prophet (SAW) has said, “He who fasts during Ramadhan with faith and seeks his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven” (Sahih Bukhari). If we go into Ramadhan with the right intentions, which is to seek Allah (SWT)’s pleasure, forgiveness, and Jannah, then every fast, prayer, and act of worship will carry more meaning.
Ramadhan is an incredible opportunity, but it requires preparation to truly make the most of it. By strengthening our connection with The Quran, improving our prayers, purifying our hearts, and setting good habits, we can enter Ramadhan ready to gain the maximum reward.
May Allah (SWT) allow us to reach Ramadhan and make it the most spiritually fulfilling one yet. Are you preparing for Ramadhan in a special way this year? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!